Crayola’s SchoolMaskPack


In 2020, going “Back to School” posed an important challenge that our society had never faced before- getting parents and kids to actually wear masks for the protection of others and themselves. To address this, Crayola and SchoolMaskPack launched a 5-day cloth mask system that provided an efficient and comfortable way for kids to wear them. We partnered with them to drive a key objective – promote the product far and wide in an effective manner – and with speed.


We activated our Growth Triple Play – Purpose + Data Science + Creative Solutions – to bring the campaign to life. 

The purpose that underpinned everything was ultimately to help children return to school safely. We armed the content strategy with data analytics which helped us identify and amplify the voices and channels that mattered the most: Mom influencers, kid-fluencers, healthcare practitioners and teachers. The creative solution was to inspire, share and amplify authentic experiences created by parents and kids across social media. Crayola SchoolMaskPack continued the purpose-driven impact by allowing customers to select and donate part of the purchase price of the masks to a non-profit of their choice. 


By surgically activating the Growth Triple Play, Crayola SchoolMaskPack went from 0 to $35 million in revenue in 6 months and MediaPost heralded it as one of the most breakthrough marketing efforts of the Pandemic period.

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